Stefan's data visualization projects

Prominent fediverse accounts
Browse more than 5,700 accounts, courtesy of Wikidata.

Top emoji from your fediverse posts
Explore your most widely used emoji.

Fediverse posts accessibility checker
Check how accessible your posts are. (Work in progress.)

Your top fediverse hashtags
Explore your most widely used hashtags.

30 Day Map Challenge 2023: Day 25

30 Day Map Challenge 2023: Day 3

30 Day Map Challenge 2023: Day 1

Explore your fediverse connections
Learn about your followers and accounts you follow.

Makeover Monday 2023: Week 5
Top ten most expensive pizza slices in NYC.

Makeover Monday 2022: Week 35
It ain't nothing but a heart-breaker.

Sustainable Communities
Finding a path to a sustainable, net zero future.

Makeover Monday 2021: Week 38
How much is your private information worth on the dark web?

Earth Overshoot Day
A call to action.

Makeover Monday 2021: Week 27
Exploring alternative results of the 2020 United States presidential election.

Makeover Monday 2021: Week 24
Which schools create the most student loans?